I’ve been thinking alot lately about how big all of my little *Things are getting.

And how OLD that makes ME!!! So I thought, “I should post some pics of them” And amazingly enough I finally found a little bit of time.

Thing 1

being *gangsta with his cousin Chel


Thing 2

It’s ironic that the prissy one is catching lizards in the yard


Thing 3

The sweet one snuggling with the neighbor’s puppy.


Thing 4

The original toddler~gone~wild

even though now he is *officially a pre k’er

he’s still wild.


Thing 5

My baby girl with a nice new haircut courtesy of ultra pro stylist Thing 4


Thing 6

My last baby will be 6 mos old on Saturday.

This one’s gonna be a mama’s boy. lol.


I know. Not a great pic. But he is wiggly. And i just don’t have time to take eleventy HUNDRED pictures to get it right 😉

They grow up SO fast and all I can do as I watch them is *hope that I get this whole mom thing right while they’re still young enough to benefit from it!

We’ve been good. A little chaotic but good.

It’s kinda ironic the way my life works. When I had plenty of time I had NO internet connection. Now that I have plenty of internet connection, i have NO time!

But I love you SO much that I made some time. Just for You!

We are officially moved and it has been crazy busy.

Of course we have been busy with other things too. Like getting ready for school to start next week. And I’m going to be gone ALL weekend. I am seriously SO excited!!!!


that means….

that the BIGGEST Thing of them ALL….

will have all of the *little Things….

by himself…..

for 2 days.

So ya’ll need to PRAY hard for him 😉

and them.

Have a GREAT weekend!

I put the kids in school last year.

I know.

Don’t bad mommy me.

It was a VERY hard decision to make.

I was writing my own curriculum for 3 schoolagers.

In 3 different grades.

And a preschooler.

I was pregnant.

And very TiReD.

I was chasing a very active toddler

And an extremely hyper preschooler.

There was SO much going on at the time ~ you have NO idea what we went through the past 14 months ~ and

I. Just. Couldn’t. Do. It.

I admit it.

I am not *Supermom.

So I prayed and I prayed because I couldn’t just hand my little *things over to the Fla public schools.

That would have been the equivalent of throwing them into the *Lions Den.

And yes, I know Daniel made it out just fine.

but it’s not like his mom is the one who tossed him in there!

So I was led to a charter school. Actually a Montessori Academy which fit them perfectly coming from a fairly laid back and self directed homeschooling enviroment.

It’ technically a public school, BUT because it’s a charter school it’s run like a private school.

Which we could NEVER afford with 6 kiddos.

There are only 16 (or less) kids in each class.


imagine my shock (and joy) when I found out they actually PRAY *in school.

Yes they do.

But I still felt really really guilty.

Like maybe,

just maybe,

I had failed.

My children.

And my God.

And that I was definently not the *good mommy that I thought I was.

And that I try SO hard to be.

Then I read this book, about the life of Paul.

How EVERY detail of his life

(his birthright, his citizenship, his parents sending him to study under Gamaliel)

was specifically planned the way it was for him to fulfill his purpose.

And I realized that it was OK if *I wasn’t the one who taught my children math. Or science. Or geography.

Because *I am still teaching them the most important things of all.

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Thing 4 was in time out today b/c he hit Thing 5. I know. Poor little Thing 5. Needless to say, he was *very unhappy with me.

But that’s OK because I wasn’t very happy with him at that moment either. And this is what he says to me.

Thing 4: You’re mean mommy. I want to run away. Can I run away today?

Mean Mommy: No, you can’t run away today. You have to be 18 to run away.

Thing 4: Oh…Well…then I’m gonna run away when I’m 18 cuz you made me be in time out today.

And all I could think was ” I’m SO happy he actually asked permission for something!”

Maybe I am a *mean mommy.

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I’ve gotten a few emails asking about my *sabbatical. So here are some of the highlights ~ and lowlights of the past year.

  1. The biggest *thing that happened is Thing 6.
  2. Thing 6 is 4mths old now.
  3. and SOOOO amazingly adorable.
  4. I almost can’t stand it.
  5. Such a good baby.
  6. Ok why do we say that?
  7. He’s a baby! of COURSE he’s good!
  8. So instead I’ll say,
  9. such a content & happy baby.
  10. which is awesome, but a little scary…
  11. Thing 4 was a very happy & content baby too
  12. and now he is a Holy Terror the wild behind the Romper~Room~Gone~Wild.
  13. So we did move.
  14. And 2 months later we moved out.
  15. The landlord we were renting from
  16. sold the property.
  17. SOLD IT!!!!
  18. And the house
  19. that ended up being on not 1
  20. but 3 acres
  21. you know,
  22. the one that fell from the sky
  23. well
  24. it was no more.
  25. the phrase The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh Away redundantly comes to mind when i think about this.
  26. So back to the R.V. we went.
  27. 2 parents
  28. 6 kiddos
  29. 36 ft R.V.
  30. You do the math.
  31. I KNOW!
  32. You don’t have to tell me.
  33. I was there.
  34. And now we are moving again.
  35. but this time
  36. we are buying.
  37. & I (& all of my *things)
  38. are singing the hallelujah chorus.
  39. aaand apparently I’m a little off tune
  40. so be thankful you can’t hear me.
  41. 40 lines to say
  42. we struggled
  43. we stayed faithful
  44. & for now atleast,
  45. that particular struggle is behind us:)

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I won’t bore you with the details of the past…year? WOW. I guess it’s been a looooong while. we’ll just call it a much needed, though highly unplanned sabbatical.

Wait. What? You’re supposed to get paid for those? Why didn’t anybody tell me??? What’s up with that!

Oh…you caught the encarta thing huh? Old habits die hard I guess.

Now that I’m looking at that saying it seems a little…odd. But I’m gonna let it go for now. (Lucky you.)

I’m going to go and try to catch up. I have a feeling I’ve missed alot.

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titus2woman said…
I have missed you SO MUCH! Are ya gonna make a comeback? WOOHOOO! ((((HUGS))))) sandi~short message due to pain, but I love ya too much to be silent! LOL!

Diane said…
I was so happy to see you’d left me a comment! Welcome back to the blogoshere!

Blogger Melanie Faith said…
wow, it’s great to have you back again!

Thursday, July 31, 2008 1:27:00 AM EDT

I have NO wireless connection 😦
and like 5 minutes.
Hope ya’ll are having a great week!

Don’t have too much fun WITHOUT me. lol.

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Rebecca said…
Aw, miss you!

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said…
~sniffle~ I just can’t blog without you around! COME BACK! (((((HUGS))))) sandi~hope your move is going well!

tegdirb92 said…
That Mommy,

You’ve been tagged!! Go to my blog at:

look under “I’ve been Tagged” post for details 🙂

kim said…
Awwww, how could we have fun without you! The words “NO wireless connection” strike fear in my heart! Miss you!

Rebecca said…
hey, hope moving is going well & i hope you get connection again soon!

Christine Rockwell said…
WOW, it’s AWFUL quiet round here without ya! Congrats and good luck on the move! If you’re up to it, “TAGGED” you’re it! Check out my post for the details! 😉 (That’s A LOT of exclamations!!)

kim said…
Okay, REALLY missing you a lot now…Can’t wait for you to be back!

Rebecca said…
Hey, where’d ya go? Missin ya. Sorry for havin a little fun while you were away, I didn’t want you to come back to nothing.

Rebecca said…
p.s. Hope the move is going well & you find your way back to the computer through the maze of boxes 😉

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said…
I thinkin’ about ya! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

Melanie Faith said…
The blogosphere is crumbling without you..!

Rebecca said…
Where oh where has That Mommy gone? Oh where oh where could she be?…
So I hope things are going well with the move and getting settled in. If you’ve decided to not hook up your internet or not use it until you are unpacked then smart thinking, otherwise it could be two months later and there’s still boxes in your bedroom. Don’t ask me how I know that but I do. Hope to see you soon though!

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said…
Okay, it’s time to come on back now! You are sorely missed! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

Rebecca said…
*crickets chirping in the quiet**

Rebecca said…
Okay, so if you *ever* do decide to return I’ve tagged you. You’ll have to check out my post dated for May 25 to find it. Miss ya!

Rebecca said…
oh, and you can do 8 random things about your moving adventures too. I’m sure you’ll have plenty to post about that. 😛

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said…
If you don’t return soon, I’m gonna hafta go Motown on ya and start singin’ ya come back songs…. (((((HUGS))))) sandi

Jessica said…
Here fr/ Topmomma.com. I LOVE your picture! Where did you find that? I’d love to have the link so I can send it to my husband! Like your blog, by the way! Hope you are up and running soon.

Christine Rockwell said…
Ya know missy, it would really be SOMETHING if you stay on the TOP MOMMY board and don’t even post! What’s THAT about?! Have you abandoned us all for bigger and better things or are you just sans computer? Or have you changed your identity, yet again ;-), and are LURKING SOMEWHERE?? Well, whatever it is, start commenting on my posts again – *whispers…I’M NOT THAT FUNNY WITHOUT YOU AND I THINK PEOPLE ARE STARTING TO NOTICE! 😀

Rebecca said…
K, so jokes over. You can come back now. I came across a blog that you will love – http://www.onemorelist.blogspot.com/

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said…
Come baaaaaaack! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

Rebecca said…
wow! I really thought that you’d be back by the time I came home. Aw, hope you find service soon!

Rebecca said…
K, it’s been almost 3 months now. What do we need to do to get you internet connection? Is there somewhere we can send letters, start a petition? You need internet service! 😛 Hope things are going well for you. I’m sure you’ll be starting school again soon. Can’t wait to see pics of your new great house!

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said…
Had you on my mind today and love you, like you, miss you a whole, whole lot! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said…
Still missin’ ya! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said…
Still missin’ ya! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

Diane said…
Just wondering when you’re coming back – you’ve been missed! Hope everything is okay and hope you post again soon!
Blessings ~ Diane

Crazy Computer Dad said…
Wow, when your wireless connection goes, it really goes! I’ve been quite unplugged myself, but even after all this time I keep coming back to see if you have found your wireless. Hope all is well.

adam said…
Hello I just entered before I have to leave to the airport, it’s been very nice to meet you, if you want here is the site I told you about where I type some stuff and make good money (I work from home): here it is

Paul Eilers said…
I really like your header!

Your blog is soft on the eyes and easy to read.

I am so jealous!

P.S. I’m a daddy too.

***-=_ ^ sWallow my pRide ^_=-*** said…
nice site

MetropolisMom said…
We have the same situation last week. It rained so hard that our electricity fluctuated and my LAN card went crazy. I only got mine this Monday!

I spent like an hour organizing my email today. I’m not sure why. & I think there just might be something really really wrong with that. But maybe God gives points for neat inboxes. And it’s not as *pointless as it sounds;)

It was driving me insane. Everything gets sent there.

I was looking for something from someone in my family & I couldn’t find it.

So I made folders. And filed it all neatly away.

And no, I don’t think that’s OCD at all.

I think I just figured out why I blog Becca. I spend so much of my life running around trying to be perfect. That’s likely to happen don’t ya think? But here, no one expects anything from me so I don’t have to be. Hmm..lucky you. All that leftover imperfectness that you’re getting 😉

That revelation leads me to the following question. Why do you come here?

Do you know how informative the internet can be? It’s definently helped me with my identity issues. The ones that I didn’t know I had to begin with. For example, I found out the other day that I’m an invisible dead person who looks like Ludacris. That’s always good to hear.

heather —


A person who has the ability to be invisible

‘How will you be defined in the dictionary?’ at QuizGalaxy.com


Which Princess Bride Character are You?
this quiz was made by mysti


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Melanie Faith said…
Okay, I’m officially jealous. Not only did you steal Buttercup, you’re also an incredibly cool name definition. Lucky!!!

Rebecca said…
1. I organize my inbox the same way! You mean everyone doesn’t do that?
2. I’m glad we get you just being you and not trying to be perfect.
3. I come here because you tell bits of your life with great humor and you share my love for lists.
4. Invisible? Wow!
5. Buttercup – Lucky!
6. I’m still not getting the whole Ludacris thing – makes no sense at all. (at least he’s the lowest %)
7. I have no clue what emo is – am I a total loser?
8. Therapy? I think you take care of your own just fine.

Rebecca said…
P.S. I tried to rate your blog on your mom blogs rate link but it came up with a message that said ‘link not found’. Just thought you’d want to know. 🙂

for a different kind of girl said…
Heh…I’m defined as someone remembered as being constantly high. Not just high every once in awhile. No. Constantly.

This is good news for someone who is as pure and untarnished as myself.

Glad our paths have crossed, Luda…

Christine Rockwell said…
I come here because you are just plain use-super-mom-powers-not-to-pee-my-pants FUNNY! Is it bad that you and my other commenters are sometimes WAY funnier than my post itself? Well, thats why I come here 😀 cause my comments aren’t enough! I need more comedy! So I come here and to my other bloggy friends. SO, I say thank you for comedy girl, I NEED IT!

tegdirb92 said…
Where is your Wordless Wednesday?!


littlemissy555 said…
Wow, aren’t those darn quizzes addicting. You just can’t take one. One turns into ten ;0) The ludacris thing is hilarious…that my heritage thing is full of mud…it told me I looked like Jessica Biel..come on ;0)

BillyWarhol said…
Ludicris! thass Hilarious!!

Yer in darn Fine Co. tho with Petra + Celina!!

Rock On! ;)) Peace*

Very interesting day today! How ’bout ya’ll?

Okay, maybe it wasn’t that interesting. Not that I was lying before. It was interesting to me. Just maybe not so interesting to you :’)

I don’t have any long, wisdom~filled, inspiring thoughts on any given topic right now as I usually do.

Oh, wait. I was just thinking about somebody else’s blog.

I don’t usually have those here.

But you can still *pretend that I do. If you want to.

Or you’re like a big~purple~dinosaur~who~shall~remain~nameless and that’s the way you roll.

Either way. It’s all good to me.

Do you want to know what I saw today? You’re never going to believe it. It was just sad.

A rose made out of panties.

This is not the interesting part of my day by the way. This is just the random part of it that popped into my head when I started typing.

Now I’m not completely naive. I understand that there is obviously a huuuge market for those things.


What girl wouldn’t want one?

What shocked me about it, was that they were being sold at the cash register of the local convenient store.

The one where I have take my children in with me to get stuff.

My children.

Half of whom, are still in the if~you~can~get~it~in~your~grabby~little~hands~then~it~must~go~into~your~mouth phase.

It doesn’t always make it to the mouth though.

On a good day.

Which today was.

But those hands are really .. grabby. And quick.

My children.

Who ask questions about everything. everything!

And not quietly either. Not even a little bit.

It’s like they have a rule or something.


But only with an audience.

The bigger the audience, the louder the voice.

Like they’re taking a poll or something.

Ya think they’re checking my answers?

Maybe I should rethink this homeschooling thing.

They might be learning too much.

Isn’t there another rule out there somewhere that say mommy’s always right?

Atleast when it comes to the little *Things.

If not, we should definently get one of those.

That could be useful.

Anyway, the above combination of Things, convenient store counter paraphanelia & other people within hearing range is just not a good mix.

How is it a *convenient store if I still have to go to cvs?

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You can see it in her eyes said…
YESSS ! I have accomplished my goal of being the first person to comment your blog ! go me :]

That is quite funny cause your kids do ask rather embarrassing questions with really loud voices !!

But i love them … and this blog made me laugh .

Rebecca said…
Hey, thanks for the great bridal shower gift idea. I could give my sister a dozen pantie roses ~ you think I’m kidding don’t you? Only halfway. It could be cute, I could do a little mix of colors and can picture her face when she realizes what they’re made out of. Hmmm….I’m sure they’re pretty cheap at the convenient store counter – so it could at least be part of the gift. At my daughters baby shower they made little rose centerpieces out of baby socks. It was very cute.

Rebecca said…
P.S. God’s grace for your family as you are moving. I hope things go smoothly for you all. Glad you made it onto the blog again. 🙂

Diane said…
My little ones do the same thing. It can be *so* embarrassing. But of course I don’t have to tell *you* that.

I try to just stay away from convenience stores if possible. The check-out counters are so full of smut. Check out the half naked bods on the magazine covers while you’re checking out your merchandise … yuck!

Blessings ~ Diane

kim said…
A rose made out of panties, huh? Well, that is just…um…???…convenient, I guess! A little strange, in my opinion–but convenient. As for your children’s embarrassing questions in loud voices? My 5-year-old granddaughter is the Princess of Loud and Embarrassing. So I always give a sympathy smile to the Mom when I hear it happening! It really is kinda cute and funny to those of us who are overhearing it!

jesse said…
Why is it that our kids feel the need to say or ask the most embarrasing things loud and in front of the whole world. For instance my daughter will say “Mama I have to go poop.” Gotta love them.

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said…
HA HA HA HA HA!!!!! OH! ROFLOL! Sorry I missed that little flower… and I CAN’T BELIEVE you think I have ANYTHING worthwhile to say!

I am thinking about your move though, and YUCK! I hate the act of moving. I love the *adventurous* feeling of being somewhere new though, and I especially would be thrilled by starting out with clean corners. (((((HUGS))))) sandi~still so excited that you linked to me! WOW! I feel FAMOUS! LOL!

tegdirb92 said…
LOL–I think I was behind you in line at that convenience store! But my kids decided to pick that rose up and pull of the “petals” HMMM…perhaps they should move those things under their counters and make people ask for them if they wish to purchase them. Have a great day!

ArrowsInOurQuiver said…
Hey girlie! Well it does sound like you’ve had an interesting day. Well, I was just now able to get back on my blog. It was like God was saying, “No, you have too much other stuff to do” Well, He IS ALWAYS right! Anyway, it let me back on today…so here I am! Well, I am praying for you guys as you make your big move! Hope everything goes smoothly! You are coming to OOOOOOklahoma right? Where the wind comes sweeping down the plains….!? Just hoping. Well, catch ya later!


SingForHim said…
I would so NOT want to meet the person who buys that! (Unless it is for a wedding shower, that is kind of funny!)

I always cringe when the checkout person is either a short-haired woman or a long-haired man, because my 4 year old will always ask,very loudly “Mommy, is that a boy or a girl?” I’ve started whispering to her, ” It’s a girl/boy” before we even get to them.

PS I don’t remember how I found your blog, but it’s great!

Heather said…
LOL ya’ll crack me up!

I’m relieved to hear it’s not just mine!

Becca~ That IS so funny! I’m not sure if they come in other colors at *other locations, but these were all in a lovely shade of street~walker~red. If you do give this gift that keeps on giving, please take a picture of her reaction:)

& ty for the *prayers.

I hear ya Diane~ there is a certain drive thru store that I no longer drive thru b/c there are “half naked beer ladies” (you know those stand up cardboard people) that my children are disturbingly fascinated by.

Kim~ I think it …strange too. lol. I’m glad there are people like you listening and not just the ones who are thinking ” what is this woman teaching her kids????”

LOL @ Jesse’s daughter. You definently gotta love them.

Sandi~ it was prettyful you should have seen it;) I am SO looking forward to those clean corners.

You are just too much. (((hugs back at ya)))

tegdirb92~ was that you??? ROFL. I agree there’s gotta be a better place for those.

Charity~ i was wondering where you were! lol. Happy to hear everything is good. Thanks for all of the prayers.

singforhim~ that is too funny. Good lookin out answering before they ask. lol. & thanks. I’m glad you *found me:)

Brit~ You’re a trip girlie. GO you!

I just don’t get that. It should SO be

‘ You’ve been lying in that bed now get up & make it yourself!’

It just doesn’t make sense the other way. WHY would you lay down in a bed that you JUST made? What’s the point of makin it? If I were going to (& I totally would if I could) get right back in my bed a few minutes after I get out of it…do you really think I would go through all that trouble to make it first place???? Cause it’s just so hard. Or maybe I’m just that lazy.

Sorry for ranting. Apparently I have cliche issues. I think I’m over them now.

Okay Brit. Forgive me. I didn’t mean to leave you hangin on the Bruce Almighty thing. I really … don’t know where I was going with that. You know that part where he’s on the bridge…and he says ‘Smite me Almighty Smiter’. It just randomly popped into my head when I was thinking about , well, I don’t even remember exactly what I was thinking about. But it made me laugh. And then I thought “Maybe I shouldn’t say that cause it might offend somebody”.

OH I remember what I was thinking. I was in the middle of realizing that I have pretty much been a snotty bitch my whole life. SO I’m working on changing that. And if you happen to be reading this, and that does offend you… well, just think how much it offended me! I was shocked! shocked! to realize that. That’s one of the fun things about the Truth. It ain’t always pretty. And you usually don’t want to admit it. But there it is. For whatever it’s worth.

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Rebecca said…
1. You’re better than I – the only time my bed gets made is when I put fresh sheets on.
2. Love the movie Bruce Almighty – great stuff.
3. I’m sure I’ve got ya beat in the snotty bitch category. Don’t feel bad.

You can see it in her eyes said…
You are totally [hehe] standing next to me !

Anywho … that was like … not what i expected …. :]

(((((HUGS)))))) sandi said…
You mean y’all MAKE yer BEDS? and GIRLIE! I cannot, cannot picture you as that snotty B-word~NO WAY!

I REALLY, REALLY have enjoyed your comments~that long one was RIGHT ON, and we are surely kindred spirits! Come on and move on across the street from me, ‘kay? Ya wouldn’t be able to get rid of me! LOL! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said…
OH! and I LOVE being your Bloggy Peep! LOL! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

Looney Mom said…
Hey girl. I know what you mean. What’s up with that bed making stuff? I don’t even bother anymore! I hate making my bed. Oh well. LOL!

I’m not very easily offended; been there, been and DONE that! It’s good when we can ADMIT our faults instead of sitting on a high horse acting like we’re “all that” ya know? I appreciate your honesty. Apparently you appreciate mine too! LOL!

Crazy Computer Dad said…
My bed only gets made when I have company over…always too busy just getting the really important things done to get back to it.

The thing I liked most about Bruce Almighty was what they said about God essentially lending a hand when we need it instead of sending out billions of “miracles”. It implies that when we run across someone in need and we help them, we become the miracle, the hand of God.

kim said…
MADE YOUR BED? I think I did that once in 1974 or thereabouts :)! And that snotty bitch part? Vive le snotty bitch–HAHAHA! That would probably be why I felt so compelled to comment to you, cause I’m a snotty bitch, too! And unapologetic about it. The nice thing about being “older” is that you get to care less and less about offending people. They’ll get over it. Or not. Whatever. Just my opinion but, however you are at any given time? That’s just FINE! Also wanted to say thanks for the support last week; it made a difference for me!

FTN said…
It’s reassuring to know that no one else makes their bed around here. Although it’s been difficult to train my kids to make theirs, considering that they rarely see Mommy and Daddy’s bed made.

I won’t say anything about the snotty bitch reference, because a guy can only get in trouble from getting into that discussion.

for a different kind of girl said…
I’ve been known to make my bed mere seconds before climbing in at night because it used to bother me to sleep in a bed that hadn’t been made. Now, however, I can’t recall the last time the bed has been made. It looks, actually, like a stopping off point for transients.

And I’m inclined to go there now!

(((((HUGS))))) sandi said…
I don’t know WHY I wanted to come and tell you this, but I did. My eyes are literally BUGGING OUT from transferring my blog~and I’m still not done! WHY is this important to me? LOL! (((((HUGS))))) sandi

tegdirb92 said…
Make the bed? HA! Not me! I might be tempted to lie down in it and never get back up!! Have a great day!

Diane said…
Hey, I’ve got to get into my own unmade bed so I’ve got to make this quick. Just wanted to say thanks for being such a loyal blog friend and thanks for the Tuesday night invite. Probably won’t be able to make it, though. I try to avoid driving at night because my night vision absolutely stinks, and my husband is usually working or at a meeting in the evenings. Hopefully we can get together sometime soon, though. But for now, good night!

Heather said…
Becca~ somehow I have a hard time believing that last one;) You are just too sweet. And I’m so glad I *met you in ‘kenessee’.

Brit~ ya need help! But I love you anyway girlie!

Sandi~ thank you. You change my life way more than you realize:) And I would happily be your neighbor ANY day. Now I just gotta talk the biggest Thing of them all into it. I’m sure he would think that’s an excellent reason to move. And I love you & I’m glad you’re my *bloggy peep too!

LooneyMom~ lol. I most definently appreciate your honesty. & I love your blog.

Crazy Computer Dad~ There were alot of implications in that movie & that was definently one of the ones that stood out to me also. I was quite surprised really. I’m not a big Jim Carrey fan.

FTN~ really. You are a smart man for *keeping quiet. lol.

for a different kind of girl~ really? You made your bed just so you could get in it?? & here I thought I was anal. lol. I was very inclined to get back into mine yesterday too:) Hope atleast one of us made it there.

Diane~ I hope you slept peacefully!

Kim~ ROFL I just can’t picture you there either. And I am *so glad that last week turned out to be such a great week for you!

tegdirb92~ lol. it’s very tempting. However, the little Things that would totally tear the house apart while I was in it motivates me to just make it & get out.

From the past